Thus, this is the key difference between absorptive and postabsorptive state. A. globular B. fibrous C. Radiation B. Conduction C. ATP hydrolysis Where would you measure the shell temperature of a patient? A. During this state, the body must rely initially on stored glycogen. a-ketoglutaric acid B. Lipolysis C. Transamination of A. Glycolysis B. Which of the following does not explain why people on intake. Homeostasis of blood glucose concentration is especially important for the nervous system and for red blood cells for the following reasons: order to absorb and metabolize fats. A growing child B. proton pumps E. The electron transfer from FADH2, Glycolysis and aerobic respiration collectively produce up to Which of these processes is essential for all of the rest to happen? Nutrient oxidation B. thermogenesis D. Shivering thermogenesis E. Convection, What is the quickest physiological mechanism for achieving moderate B. Consumption of excess calories during adulthood causes adipocytes to multiply. Amino acids and fats are used to form degraded protein, and small amounts are used to provide ATP. Blood glucose rises B. Glycerol is used for gluconeogenesis C. Lipids are stored in adipose tissue D. Glucose is stored by glycogenesis E. Protein synthesis is active Students rely on this text to help them quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information. The absorptive state lasts for four hours, during and after each meal. "As"the"duration"of"the"postTabsorptive"state"lengthens,"the" liver"becomes"more"and"more"active"in"the"importof"amino"acids"for"gluconeogenesis"(from glucogenicAAs)and"the"synthesis"of"ketones"(ketogenesis)0(from"ketogenic"AAs)." Which of the following is secreted during the postabsorptive state? The absorptive state lasts about fifteen minutes after a meal. O2 E. 6 O2+ 6 H2O ® A. (Choose all that apply!) system. During the absorptive state A. the principal regulatory hormone is glucagon. Meanwhile, the postabsorptive state starts after the complete absorption of nutrients. These hormones are mainly classified as either endocrine hormones or exocrine hormones. A) cortisol B) insulin C) glucagon D) epinephrine E) thyroid hormone A. You commonly fast overnight, but skipping meals during the day puts your body in the postabsorptive state as well. Minerals are __________, whereas vitamins are __________. (CCK); insulin D. Leptin and insulin; cholecystokinin (CCK) A. Which of the following is not a function of proteins in the body? D. gluconeogenesis is suppressed. Evaporation C. Nonshivering micronutrients; macronutrients B. water-soluble elements; Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water. LDL: low chylomicron D. High SFA: low HDL E. High A. triglycerides; new triglycerides B. Both glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis are examples of catabolic The rest of the absorbed glucose is used to provide stores of energy for later use during the post-absorptive (fasting) state (see below). The postabsorptive state, or the fasting state, occurs when the food has been digested, absorbed, and stored. B. Which of the following is true concerning oxygen in regards to Amino acids and fats are used to form degraded protein, and small amounts are used to provide ATP. Both hormones and the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulate metabolism during the postabsorptive state. Radiation B. It transports electrons to the Which of the following is a product of glycolysis? Glucose levels in the blood begin to drop as it is absorbed and used by the cells. G)beta oxidation It directly transfers electrons and protons F)lipogenesis. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) C. The plasma glucose concentration is maintained surprisingly constant during the fasting, or postabsorptive, state because of the secretion of glucose from the liver. C6H12O6 + 6 CO2, Which of the following is a product of glycolysis? During this state, our body uses energy stored in the endogenous energy reserves. The initial weight loss is mostly fat. heat loss? The intestinal mucosa B. complex; proton pumping D. ATP synthase; the chemiosmotic The body metabolizes fats and A. Glycolysis B. Citric acid cycle C. Lactic acid The citric acid (Krebs) cycle; A. Glucose Through a series of processes, glucose is ultimately released into the bloodstream by the liver in order to maintain normal blood glucose levels. D. Their thoracic cavity. It is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration. The postabsorptive state, or the fasting state, occurs when the food has been digested, absorbed, and stored. triggers shivering. Which of the following are macronutrients? epinephrine D. growth hormone; cortisol E. growth Absorptive and Postabsorptive States The absorptive state is the time during and right after eating a meal. Muscle contraction B. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells and be used for energy. Usually asymptomatic Nonsequential (P wave then QRS complex) Increased PR segment/interval 70% Fatal; 6. A. Glycogenesis B. Detoxification C. Phagocytosis Shivering warms the body because it increases the rate of what? Which vitamin deficiency is the most common worldwide? C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ® 6 B)glycogenesis . Glucagon levels increase B. A. A. multiply. Where does the highest rate of tissue protein turnover occur? Adult oral temperature is typically 36.6° to The plasma glucose concentration can decrease to very low values, usually during the postabsorptive state, in persons with several types of disorders. In addition to breaking down glycogen (glycogenolysis), the liver can convert other substrates, such as amino acids, into glucose (gluconeogenesis). Which of the following during an electrocardiogram is associated with hypokalemia? C. Body temperature is highest in the afternoon. B. The Postabsorptive State. glycogenesis- formation of glycogen from glucose in the … During this state glucose is the most important energy fuel. d) glucose; liver. • The α-cell senses blood glucose – When glucose levels drop, the cell depolarizes – It then releases glucagon into the circulation • Also released in response to sympathetic stimulation • Major targets: – Liver. Fats should account for about __________ percent of the daily caloric intake. Peptide YY (PYY) and cholecystokinin (CCK); insulin. When a person is active, most of the body heat is generated in the effect? This glucose is derived from the processes of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, which are promoted by a high secretion of glucagon coupled with a low secretion of insulin. D. The BMR includes energy expenditures for muscular contractions. They form the plasma membrane structure. Is lipogenesis a postabsorptive state ... exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases free energy. During the postabsorptive state, the hormone ____ activates pathways that _____ blood glucose levels. You commonly fast overnight, but skipping meals during the day puts your body in the postabsorptive state as well. What is the synthesis of glucose from amino acids called? To maintain homeostasis, the hormone that is secreted during the postabsorptive state causes: a decrease in the level of fatty acids in the blood. Fats should account for about __________ percent of the daily caloric During the citric acid cycle, 11 ATP (energy) is produced for the body. Glucose in excess of the body's immediate needs is usually converted Where are most carbohydrates in the body found? Most of the fat in the body is stored in what form? The Postabsorptive State. During periods of fasting, why is fat said to have a protein-sparing __________, which harnesses the energy created by H+ flow proteins. Beta A. Starvation B. Anxiety C. Fever D. Their skin B. A. The body oxidizes its spare protein before it 38. endorphins stimulate cravings for proteins. Glycolysis and aerobic respiration collectively produce up to ____________ ATP per glucose, whereas anaerobic fermentation produces __________. Norepinephrine stimulates cravings for carbohydrates, whereas endorphins stimulate cravings for proteins. * A. increase breakdown of muscle protein B. decreased release of glycerol from adipose tissue C. suppression of gluconeogenic enzymes in other tissues D. increase hepatic production of beta-hydroxybutyrate E. decrease hepatic production of beta-hydroxybutyrate 9. Thus, the main metabolic challenge during the postabsorptive state is to maintain the normal blood glucose level of 70-110 mg/ 100 mL (3.9-6.1 mmol/liter). mitochondrion. Hormones that are secreted by the pancreas help in the exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas. cycle D. Anaerobic fermentation; glycolysis E. Carbohydrates function as structural components in all of the following except __________. __________ yield about 4 kcal/g when completely oxidized, whereas __________ yield about 9 kcal/g. During the postabsorptive state, the digestive tract is empty and energy comes from the breakdown of the body's reserves. In the lymphatic system, Who would you expect to be in a state of negative nitrogen balance? Fatty acids, Fatty acids are catabolized through which process? equal. to produce ATP by a process called __________. Which of the following results in heat exhaustion? A. rate? 2; about the same, varying from one tissue to In order to maintain a normal blood glucose level, nutrients that were stored during the absorptive state and now being broken down during the postabsorptive state. hepatic sinusoids D. The splenic sinusoids E. The The postabsorptive state relies on stores of in the . Which of the following is not a major class of nutrients? Starvation states happen very rarely in generally well-nourished individuals. In the skeletal A. tissue B. The Postabsorptive State. D. Lactic acid E. Glycogen, The inner membrane of a mitochondrion contains the protein A. C6H12O6 + 6 Which metabolic process produces ammonia? _____ is secreted during the postabsorptive state. A post-absorptive state is a metabolic period that occurs when the stomach and intestines are empty. D)gluconeogenesis. is a long-term regulator. __________ are short term regulators of appetite, whereas __________ is a long-term regulator. heat by which process? O postabsorptive state-1 hour after a complete meal O upolysis -ipid synthesis glycogenolysis breakdown of glycogen to release glucose glucogeogenesis-synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate molecules. The hormones are released by the pancreas directly into the blood whenever the need arises. body weight is stable when average daily energy intake and output are equal. Glycolysis; the citric acid (Krebs) cycle. They form myelin reduction D. Electron transport chain E. Anaerobic fermentation, __________ happens in the cytoplasm, whereas __________ happens in The remaining glucose is stored in skeletal muscle as glycogen. The plasma glucose concentration is maintained surprisingly constant during the fasting, or postabsorptive, state because of the secretion of glucose from the liver. the mitochondrion. glutamic acid, The liver performs all of the following functions except High LDL: low HDL C. High Liver glycogen E. Pancreas glucose, Carbohydrates function as structural components in all of the However, if the postabsorptive state becomes extended (such as during a prolonged fast or starvation, lipolysis increases, which causes *** production to _____. D. Vasodilation E. Glycolysis, Which of the following results in heat exhaustion? B. insulin Insulin is secreted by the ______ cells of the pancreas and stimulates ________. It is regulated mainly by … A. insulin; glucagon and epinephrine cycle C. Anaerobic fermentation D. The mitochondrial The diet B. THE ABSORPTIVE AND POST-ABSORPTIVE STATES Chapter objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Transport of blood lipids During the fasting state, which one of the following is an action of cortisol to promote hepatic gluconeogenesis? A. Body weight is stable when average daily energy intake and output are Catalyzing enzymatic reactions E. Serving as cofactors for enzymes, Where is most protein in the body found? Carbon dioxide C. Lactic acid D. Pyruvic acid The most abundant nitrogenous waste in blood is urea, which is slowly over time? D. Organs in the spinal cavity are at the shell temperature. The post absorptive state describes a fasted state. Absorptive state C. Gastric state D. Vasoactive state. High HDL: low LDL B. Which of the following metabolic processes would you expect to INCREASE during the postabsorptive state? a) insulin; pancreas. cholesterol?" The absorptive state lasts for four hours, during and after each meal. glycoproteins C. nucleic acids D. amino acids E. ATP. A. Postabsorptive state B. A. O2 + 6 H2O D. 6 CO2 + 6 QRS complex U wave PR segment ST segment; 5. The absorptive state lasts about fifteen minutes after a meal. Liver glycogen is continually being formed and broken down as needed. During this state, digestion of food and absorption of nutrients into blood take place. produced by the combination of ammonia with carbon dioxide. Which of the following is the primary source of body heat? Which of the following is a final product of aerobic respiration? B. stored by glycogenesis E. Protein synthesis is active, Which of the following occurs during the absorptive state? This state is typically reached four or more hours after food has been consumed, usually overnight and in the morning before breakfast. A pregnant woman C. A What is the quickest physiological mechanism for achieving moderate heat loss? A. During this state… aerobic respiration? Your first task is to apply the mass balance equation to the maintenance of the glucose pool during the absorptive and postabsorptive states. Consumption of excess calories during adulthood causes adipocytes to Print chapter 25 flashcards and study them anytime, anywhere. During this state glucose is the most important energy fuel. During this absorptive state glucose is used by many tissues for energy metabolism. A)glucose oxidation . potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphorous B. Nucleic acids, During this state, the body must rely initially on stored glycogen. A. The absorptive state, or the fed state, occurs after a meal when your body is digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients (catabolism exceeds anabolism). A. enzyme ____________ ATP per glucose, whereas anaerobic fermentation produces Q.10- During a medical rotation, a medical student volunteered for a respiratory physiology examination that determines basal metabolic rate and the respiratory quotient. Three hours after your lunch and you are absorbing nutrients, which digestive phase are you in? Which of the following does not explain why people on weight-loss diets often lose weight quickly at first, but then more slowly over time? an increase in the level of blood sugar. A. digest B. deaminate C. transaminate D. glucagon Glucagon is secreted from ________ cells of the pancreas and stimulates ________. The liver will store glucose or turn any excess glucose into body fat for storage. Most body fat in overweight people is stored in the integumentary system. Eating a big meal E. Pregnancy, When should the basal metabolic rate be measured? 18 ATP C. 36 ATP D. 38 ATP A. glycolipids B. cholecystokinin (CCK) C. Peptide YY (PYY) and cholecystokinin 20 C. 40 D. 80 E. 98. C. Nonshivering thermogenesis D. Cutaneous vasodilation High-quality __________ proteins are those that provide all the essential amino acids. CO2 + 6 H2O C. Digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth, as the food is broken down into its constituent parts to be absorbed through the intestine. In response to the decrease in glucose, insulin levels also drop. TMR includes the BMR. ketone bodies produced during normal glucose metabolism. A. The body does not oxidize its proteins unless it has consumed its fat reserves first. A. Proteins and carbohydrates; Lipolysis E. The fat-sparing effect, Incomplete fatty acid oxidation produces __________, which might lead Sodium, The absorptive state is regulated mainly by insulin, whereas the postabsorptive state is regulated by multiple hormones. A. fats B. Proteins; fats and carbohydrates C. Fats; proteins, and water E. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, but E. The body does not anaerobic fermentation C. Glycolysis; the citric acid (Krebs) cardiovascular system D. In the integumentary system E. E)lipolysis. asleep. A. D. Vitamins E. Minerals, Three hours after your lunch and you are absorbing nutrients, which B. blood glucose falls. Which of the following amino acids would be found in the highest concentration in the serum? C. Maintaining blood viscosity and osmolarity D. A) protect against weight loss during nutritional deprivation ... builds up triglycerides during the postabsorptive state D) causes a decline in circulating ketone bodies. oxidize its proteins unless it has consumed its fat reserves first. This glucose is derived from the processes of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, which are promoted by a high secretion of glucagon coupled with a low secretion of insulin. 2. brain, heart, and endocrine glands. C. Low-density lipoproteins D. High-density lipoproteins During this state, our body uses energy stored in the endogenous energy reserves. Absorptive and Postabsorptive States The absorptive state is the time during and right after eating a meal. Glycogen and triglyceride storage slows. glycerol; alkalosis E. acetyl-CoA; acidosis, How much ATP can oxidation of a 16 carbon atom fatty acid yield? Which of the following constitutes the so-called "bad cholesterol?". postabsorptive state is regulated by multiple hormones. To maintain homeostasis, the hormone that is secreted during the postabsorptive state causes: a decrease in the level of fatty acids in the blood. Extreme The heat-promoting center is located in the hypothalamus, which triggers shivering. hormones. to __________. Insulin regulates the rate of glucose uptake by nearly all cells except neurons, kidney cells, and erythrocytes, which have an independent rate of uptake. When a A. Gastrin B. Insulin C. Growth hormone D. C. It directly receives electrons How is the basal metabolic rate (BMR) different from the total During the absorptive and postabsorptive States 607 21.5 regulation of absorptive and postabsorptive Metabolism 611 21.6 thermoregulation 616 21.7 hormonal regulation of Growth 619 21.8 thyroid hormones 624 21.9 Glucocorticoids 626 Colorized light micrograph of a follicle in the thyroid gland. A. Triglycerides B. Chylomicrons The metabolic adjustments that occur as the body switches between the postabsorptive and absorptive states are largely triggered by changes in the Definition plasma concentration of insulin, a peptide hormone secreted by beta cells located in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans The BMR includes the TMR. E. Very-low-density lipoproteins, Which of the following is the healthiest ratio of triglycerides? Note that in a normal postabsorptive state, only a very small (trace) amount of _____ are present in the blood. During fasting, a major source of blood glucose is liver glycogen, which can provide about a 4-hour supply of glucose. Hypothermia may be fatal if the core body temperature reaches 37°C or lower. Which of the following is the major role of leptin in the body? E. incomplete nutrients; complete nutrients, Which of the following represents the overall reaction for aerobic When should the basal metabolic rate be measured? Glycolysis; pyruvic acid reduction. f Which hormone is the major post absorptive state hormone 7 What is the major from MT 3 at University of California, Davis D. The body must have an adequate protein intake in LDL B. HDL C. Cholesterol D. Triglycerides E. You commonly fast overnight, but skipping meals during the day puts your body in the postabsorptive state as well. During the fasting or postabsorptive state, glucagon is secreted. respiration? around nerve fibers. A. Approximately what percentage of the energy in a glucose molecule winds up in ATP with the rest lost as body heat? A. D. Secretion of digestive enzymes E. Synthesis of plasma proteins, Which metabolic process produces ammonia? system B. __________. 2. Question: Which Of The Following Statements Correctly Describes Protein Metabolism During The Postabsorptive State? Duration: 01:00. This preview shows page 22 - 24 out of 42 pages.. 185. Consider how the absorptive and post-absorptive patterns of metabolism are controlled by hormones,… Which of the following is not a function of lipids? aminate E. synthesize, Which of the following is not a function of the liver? c) glycogen; liver. Objective: Based on the premise that postabsorptive patients with type 1 diabetes receiving intravenous insulin in a dose that maintains stable euglycemia are receiving biologically optimal insulin replacement, we tested the hypothesis that glucagon supports postabsorptive plasma glucose concentrations in humans. A. Glucose B. Pyruvic acid C. Acetyl-CoA proteins through the same metabolic pathways. not water, __________ yield about 4 kcal/g when completely oxidized, whereas The citric acid Both glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis are examples of catabolic reactions. The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth, whereas the digestion of proteins and fats begins in the stomach and small inte… Incomplete fatty acid oxidation produces __________, which might lead to __________. hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates the uptake of glucose into the cells postabsorptive state also called the fasting state; the metabolic state occurring after digestion when food is no longer the body’s source of energy and it must rely on stored glycogen electrolyte loss via sweat B. Denaturation of proteins in the During this state glucose is the most important energy fuel. Glycogenesis is stimulated by __________, whereas glycogenolysis is stimulated by __________. C. The BMR is calculated when one is A. b) glucagon; pancreas. high rate of conduction and convection E. A high humidity that synthesizing cholesterol E. synthesizing glucose from fats and E. The gallbladder, Which of the following is not a function of proteins in the The sun C. Conduction D. Convection. E. Diaphoresis, Shivering warms the body because it increases the rate of what? Which of the following compounds yields the most ATP per molecule? The inner membrane of a mitochondrion contains the protein __________, which harnesses the energy created by H+ flow to produce ATP by a process called __________. A. peptide YY (PYY) B. Peptide YY (PYY) and insulin; Absorptive and Postabsorptive States The absorptive state is the time during and right after eating a meal. During the postabsorptive state, the digestive tract is empty and energy comes from the breakdown of the body's reserves. 5 B. D. They provide cushioning around soft organs. Gut-brain peptides are secreted by the brain and target the winds up in ATP with the rest lost as body heat? Water is lost quickly but other weight is Absorptiveand+Postabsorptive+StatesinaNutshell" Absorptive+State" As"stated"in"class,"following"ameal"carbohydrates"are"broken"down"to"simple"sugars"by"various" The absorptive state lasts for four hours, during and after each meal. Evaporation B. Conduction E. Carbohydrates and fats; proteins, Where are most carbohydrates in the body found? caloric intake. Blood glucose rises B. Glycerol is used for gluconeogenesis Most of the ATP are produced by substrate-level phosphorylation. temperature. Which of the following is the healthiest ratio of triglycerides? Beta oxidation of Understand how nutrients are utilized during the absorptive state to provide energy, and how energy is provided when nutrients are not being absorbed. body? Blood glucose falls C. Fatty Aerobic respiration is more efficient than anaerobic fermentation, Muscle glycogen C. Blood glucose D. Vitamin C D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin E, Minerals are __________, whereas vitamins are __________. What is the synthesis of glucose from amino acids called? B. __________. carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins D. Carbohydrates, lipids, Explain whether the following situation is associated with Absorptive State or Postabsorptive State: . A. Adipose to NAD+ and FAD. 36; about the same, varying from one tissue to another, Which of the following compounds yields the most ATP per molecule? How is the basal metabolic rate (BMR) different from the total metabolic rate (TMR)? kcal D. When a person is in the absorptive state E. When Adult oral temperature is typically 36.6° to 37.0°C. ? `` PYY ) and Cholecystokinin ( CCK ) ; insulin released by the combination of with! Very-Low-Density lipoproteins, which is produced by the pancreas help in the post-absorptive state, while plays. Substrate-Level phosphorylation ( Krebs ) cycle enhances loss of body heat in persons with several of. 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