Otherwise he would have waited until a reasonable hour to visit. She is very good at shouting mommy and Daddy, a reasonable bye bye and ook. That's fairly reasonable. As the scene which Homer depicts is prae-Dorian Greece; it is reasonable to call his language Achaean. reasonable to believe in the existence of God. means a level that an ordinary person would be expected to have, e.g. The licensing authority must form a view as to whether a reasonable person would consider the observations frivolous or vexatious. What reasonable man ever supposed that ornaments were something outward and in the skin merely--that the tortoise got his spotted shell, or the shell-fish its mother-o'-pearl tints, by such a contract as the inhabitants of Broadway their Trinity Church? This is perfectly reasonable; in principle then we can find primes quickly. Not unnaturally the training which the younger Mill received has aroused amazement and criticism; and it is reasonable to doubt whether the material knowledge which he retained in the result was as valuable to him as his father imagined. With regard to the lower teeth the difficulties are greater, owing to the absence of any suture corresponding to that which defines the incisors above; but since the number of the teeth is the same, since the corresponding teeth are preceded by milk-teeth, and since in the large majority of cases it is the fourth tooth of the series which is modified in the same way as the canine (or fourth tooth) of the upper jaw, it is reasonable to adopt the same divisions as with the upper series, and to call the first three, which are implanted in the part of the mandible opposite to the premaxilla, the incisors, the next the canine, the next four the premolars, and the last three the molars. something appearing reasonable or probable. English words and Examples of Usage use "reasonable" in a sentence Discussion question: It is reasonable to expect a politician to always tell the truth during a political campaign? reasonable endeavors to deliver courses in accordance with the descriptions set out in the prospectus. Creationists now seem to be perfectly reasonable people to run our schools, which I find staggering. Prices range from £ 5.15 to £ 7.60, which seems pretty reasonable for a whole plateful of delicious pizza. reimbursed directly for reasonable costs of travel and accommodation. VERBS appear, be, seem, sound | consider sth, judge sth, regard sth as, think sth . An agricultural tenant may not contract himself out of his statutory right to compensation, but " contracting out " is apparently not prohibited with regard to the right given him by the acts of 1883 and 1900 to remove fixtures which he has erected and for which he is not otherwise entitled to compensation, after reasonable notice to the landlord, unless the latter elects to purchase such fixtures at a valuation. How to use reasonable in a sentence. (cause) " This house is a reasonable size. " They were given reasonable service and whispered offers to, "Stay three nights, the next one's free, and we'll give you a receipt for four.". Reasonable Doubt is the standard of proof that must be exceeded to secure a conviction in a criminal case. It is reasonable to hold that the supreme personality is the only fully personal being, while ours is a broken and imperfect personality, hindered by the Non-ego which in other ways helps it. The words were reasonable to her tired mind. the views of critics take different directions, but that of Bousset followed by Porter seems the most reasonable. To be uncertain about a thing; to be undecided in a belief or opinionOrigin1175-1225 Old French douter All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet.". Filter. 2. 240+34 sentence examples: 1. It also seemed perfectly reasonable to take the 1962 Nash Metropolitan for a spin around the block, even though it didn't have brakes either. There was no obstacle to the continued exercise of his firm and reasonable will. This large residuum of reasonable disagreement leads on to the second response to the limit-setting problem. When the storm had discharged itself in the Japanese war, reasonable statesmen on both sides, King Edward, Lord Lansdowne, and the Russian Foreign Minister Isvolsky, changed the course both for Great Britain and for Russia, and thus frustrated the plans of the tertius gaudens. There can be no reasonable doubt that the sugar-cane, which is native and present in a great many varieties, sago, cotton, probably also indigenous and of exceptionally fine quality, will eventually be valuable " (MacGregor). The lists vary greatly in different versions, but the above seems the most reasonable selection of readings to be made. (condition) " We have reasonable cause to search your house. " When they are beyond a certain distance from the seat of war it seems reasonable that the presumption that they are merely carrying on their legitimate business should be considered absolute. Though duty, in his view, excludes regard for private happiness, the summum bonum is not duty alone, but happiness combined with moral worth; the demand for happiness as the reward of duty is so essentially reasonable that we must postulate a universal connexion between the two as the order of the universe; indeed, the practical necessity of this postulate is the only adequate rational ground that we have for believing in the existence of God. (of prices) not too expensive synonym fair We sell good- quality food at reasonable prices. In Rhodia International Holdings Ltd v Huntsman International LLC [2007] the judge observed that: "an obligation to use best endeavours probably requires a party to take all the reasonable courses he can. foregoing the following shall be regarded as causes beyond the Seller's reasonable control. Example sentences with the reasonable, a sentence example for reasonable, Collocations for reasonable how do I use the word reasonable in a sentence? The stole, now nearly universal, is only covered by the rubric if the word ' vestment ' be taken to include it (a very dubious point), and then only at Holy Communion.". The new vip room is finally a proper VIP room is finally a proper VIP room serving some of the best cocktails at reasonable price. Definition of Reasonable Doubt. The British government had no desire to place obstacles in the way of a belligerent desiring to take reasonable precautions in order to prevent the enemy from receiving supplies, but they insisted that the right of taking such precautions did not imply a " consequential right to intercept at any distance from the scene of operations and without proof that the supplies in question were really destined for use of the enemy's forces, any articles which that belligerent might determine to regard as contraband of war.". The amount recovered as mesne profits need not be limited to the rental value of the land, but may include a sum to cover such items as deterioration or reasonable costs of getting possession, &c. But, freely as Livy uses this privilege of speechmaking, his correct taste keeps his rhetoric within reasonable limits. Justification There is no unlawful conduct where less favorable treatment or a failure to take reasonable steps is justified. In France, where the disease was by far the most prevalent - owing in great part to the obstinacy with which the vine-growers at first refused to take any reasonable precautions against its spread - M. It is not indeed that these methods have not claimed to solve the questions at issue, but that their solutions have failed to satisfy the larger body of reasonable criticism. Four of the nominated members are selected on the ground mainly of their thorough acquaintance with " the reasonable wants and wishes " of the coloured races in South Africa. 2. You are offline. At the earliest reasonable time he called Lieutenant Anderson, who grumbled his reluctant agreement to let Vinnie stay at the motel until they could question him further and find out if he actually possessed any useful information. And yet he had, one would think, a reasonable force at his disposal. There are, however, several forms which it is reasonable to include in the Araucarieae; that this family was to the fore in the vegetation of the Jurassic period is unquestionable. 3. Filter. On the other hand in the case of uncertain and irregular deposits, the value of which varies between very wide limits, as, for example - in most metal mines and especially mines of gold and silver - a very large number of samples must be taken - sometimes not more than two or three feet apart - in order that the average value of the ore may be known within reasonable limits of error. That is ore from which there is reasonable hope that metal can be extracted with profit, if not to-day, then within a reasonable length of time. 2. Towards the end of 1901 a departmental committee of the Board of Trade was formed to consider the Light Railways Act, and in 1902 the president of the Board of Trade (Mr Gerald Balfour) stated that as a result of the deliberations of this committee, a new bill had been drafted which he thought would go very far to meet all the reasonable objections that had been urged against the present powers of the local authorities. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Reasonable Adjustments – practical examples If the student has a difficulty with: The following adjustments could be considered Maintaining concentration Additional time Split sessions A scribe Rest breaks Separate assessment venue (if distracted by other learner’s movements or noise). Not excessive or immoderate; within due limits; proper. From a geographical point of view nothing is more likely, for the takin forms a type confined to Eastern Asia (Tibet and Szechuen), and it would be reasonable to expect that, like so many other peculiar forms from the same region, they should have representatives on the American side of the Pacific. 100 examples: One has two "reasonables"and one"unreasonable" there, very subjective judgments… Ten p President Cleveland waited a reasonable time, as he conceived, for Governor Altgeld of Illinois to put an end to the disorder in that state. Unless new discoveries provide the clue, or some reasonable explanation can otherwise be found, there seems to be no reason why we should not regard the " sayings " as containing material which ought to be taken into account in the critical study of the teaching of Jesus. We wanted a firm economy, reasonable real estate costs, and a good school system. For example, it is not reasonable for me to perform my share of a contract, unless I have reason for believing that the other party will perform his; and this I cannot have, except in a society in which he will be punished for non-performance. A reasonable demand, amount, or price. It is reasonable, therefore, to infer that the causes leading to the production of double flowers are varied. No "grant" was necessary; it was assumed by all and sundry who had occasion to use it, though a reasonable convention forbade one man to assume the device of another. The defendants cannot rely on their own obstinacy to assert that mediation had no reasonable prospect of success. God must perforce be satisfied with whatever common sense thinks it fair and reasonable that He should expect. It is certain that Socrates's contemporaries regarded him as a sophist; and it was only reasonable that they should so regard him, because in opposition to the physicists of the past and the artists of the present he asserted the claims of higher education. disobey an injunction without reasonable excuse. The effect of them, it was believed, might conceivably be to encourage President Kruger in persisting in his rejection of the British terms. All reasonable endeavours is commonly adopted as a compromise between best endeavours and reasonable endeavours. Thus to take the preface as a distinct word is not reasonable unless there are cogent grounds for uniting the commandments against polytheism and idolatry. According to various legends Cromwell's last burial place is stated to be Westminster Abbey, Naseby Field or Newburgh Abbey; but there appears to be no evidence to support them, or to create any reasonable doubt that the great Protector's dust lies now where it was buried, in the neighbourhood of the present Connaught Square. Like reasonable women, on being told not to feel alarm, they fell immediately into a panic. Phillips had been for three years in succession chairman of the chamber of mines, and he had persistently for several years tried to induce Kruger to take a reasonable view of the requirements of the industry. The posters, more especially those of the evening papers, are very often preposterous as well as misleading, and, at such a time, those responsible may fairly be asked to exercise a reasonable restraint and help the nation to a just appreciation of the task it has undertaken and the necessity for unremitting effort to secure the only end that can be accepted.". policyholders ' reasonable expectations where an insurer had an asset share policy that had been clearly communicated. You can bank on him to hand you a reasonable bill for your services. Menu. 0. Rizzio, hitherto his friend and advocate, induced the queen to reply by a reasonable refusal to this hazardous and audacious request. 1. Thus regarded, it becomes reasonable to suppose that North and South America have in a broad way been developed under a succession of somewhat similar strains in the earth's crust, and that they are, in so far, favourable witnesses to the theory that there is something individual in the plan of continental growth. Example: Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. Voltaire described him as "the only Jesuit who has given a reasonable system of philosophy.". Where was the closest town of any reasonable size? Other radical legislation, especially in regard to railways, has included: the Porter Law, regulating rates, which was enacted in 1874 during the "Granger Movement," was modified from time to time, and was displaced by a law of 1905 (in 1908 declared constitutional so long as stockholders receive a "reasonable compensation" on investments) creating a state railway commission, and providing for the physical valuation of railways on an ad valorem basis for taxation; a law (1907) making 2 cents a mile the maximum fare; an antitipping law (1905); a law forbidding the sale of cigarettes; an act (1907) forbidding insurance companies to do both participating and non-participating business; and an eight-hour labour law in effect on the 1st of January 1908. There is no … In fact the hyraxes were then almost as distinct from other mammals as they are at the present day. reasonable person standard in a sentence - Use "reasonable person standard" in a sentence 1. I am saying we cannot prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A: reasonable is having sound and fair judgement - My boss has reasonable expectations of her employees. mummy is very good at shouting mommy and Daddy, a reasonable bye bye and ook. It sounded reasonable, but was she merely rationalizing? To suggest that X is anything other than a man would tax most reasonable peoples ' credulity, of course. LondonJobs will use its reasonable endeavors to publish the advertisement or provide the Services on the agreed date. it is reasonable to do something It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. Great Britain must never conduct her affairs so that the navy of any one power could engage her at any moment with a reasonable prospect of success. But as dramatist Wagner compels our respect for the power that without gloss or apology brings before us the king, a model of royal fair-mindedness and good-nature, acquiescing in Telramund's monstrous claim to accuse Elsa without evidence, simply because it is a hard and self-evident fact that the persons of the drama live in an age in which such claims seemed reasonable. The prices are also very reasonable and the kids menu will keep the children's appetites satisfied as well. A man must find out at his peril things which a reasonable and prudent man would have inferred from the things actually known. "I had hoped to bring everyone together to discuss the baggage Sasha has brought with him, if you.ll all be reasonable," Kris said. Early in June, however, the Cape Dutch politicians began to realize that President Kruger's attitude was not so reasonable as they had endeavoured to persuade themselves, and Mr Hofmeyr, accompanied by Mr Herholdt, the Cape minister of agriculture, visited Pretoria. Employer to do reasonable price. was his intense and continuous question, Periods III or... Adverb ) they were able handle their disagreements reasonably satisfied with sufficient approximation with of. First, Canada has an excellent health care system injured or orphaned hedgehog anywhere within a reasonable period time. Into a panic later Canadian opinion, however, they serve the margaritas. And marriages performed on the agreed date large residuum of reasonable and honest people it will not replicate in cultures! Is true, used directly what influence he possessed to induce President Kruger to a... He 's self recorded and written a pretty reasonable for a very when! 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