If, however, you are not behind and your items are properly adapted to the enemy team, things are dramatically different. Arduin’s ability to relentlessly bait enemies into attacking him, while simultaneously healing and shielding himself, can often surprise his foes. Gunslinger increases our Attack Damage with each stack that we gain, up to 6 stacks for 60 AD. A final option would be to scout the enemy jungle but we have to be extra careful if we don’t know where the enemy Slayer Lane or Jungler is located. Crowd control. Chess Rush adds Midasbuy in Indonesia and Thailand! His innate ability to absorb damage, combined with his passive, enhanced with a few defensive items and you are a perfect tank. This one is the only talent not feeling clunky, for every other, there is something missing, while with Punish not only you can slow down the enemies but you can build Leviathan, an item that fits perfectly. Movement Speed helps us when it comes to escaping fights, chasing enemies, roaming throughout the map, or even ganking enemies. A wonderful item build for Airi would be: If your Blade of Eternity runs out of uses or is on cooldown, you can exchange it for Death Sickle. It also helps our Jungle clear speed since we can run to each camp faster. Can get easily countered by a tankier jungler and can get harassed in the very early stages of the game (pre level 4) if he gets invaded which will cause him to stay behind the entire game. The Armor Pierce lets us ignore the enemy defenses partially and it increases our burst damage, making assassinations efficient. Solid at everything but not excelling at anything. Because of early crit, your jungle clear is amazing and you will not have to worry about it, also you have awesome ganking potential and you should play to your strengths. Lastly, her ultimate can be a complete game-changer – being able to pull and drag an enemy towards your team can turn the tide of battle. Movement Speed lets us walk faster so we can stick on targets more efficiently with our melee attacks, roam the map faster, gank better or even escape from situations we don’t want to be in. Bad scaling. The Hp Regen restores our HP faster so we won’t have to recall to the base as often when we need to refill our HP. In the Late Game, both teams will usually be grouped as 4-5 players and fighting for Dark Slayer, towers, and Enraged Abyssal Dragon. Some of his strengths are geographically limited, more specifically – on top of the tidal wave. In the Mid Game, both teams will begin grouping to contest for towers and neutral objectives. Go for duo lane, preferably with someone who deals physical damage and is a strong pusher. Can secure objectives by himself without the help of anyone in all stages of the game. This arcana page harmonizes very well with Yena because she gets damage from Onslaught, which is helpful to maximize her burst. The Armor Pierce helps us penetrate the enemy’s armor, increasing our damage output even further since all of our skills do physical damage. Considering how fragile he is, even damage from opposing tanks can be detrimental. This mid lane/support crazy clown is damage and healing machine (if only those damned team-mates would stay still for a sec)…. Harass your opponent with Sword and Shield. Support – prioritize Skill 2 because of better utility and reduced cooldown, if you play like safety/engage/disengage support. He can be played in the Abyssal Dragon Lane. Her passive (Goddess) turns relatively harmless spells into a force to be reckoned with. River Treader increases our Movement Speed, MP, and HP Regen when in the river. Can set up a team fight, durability and skillset make Gildur perfect for the job. Deadly Claw increases our Attack Damage and this will increase the damage of our S2, Ult, and auto-attacks, which makes us even more threatening towards the enemy. That means you can’t die early in the game because your gold loss at the beginning of the game can lead to a loss. Besides that, having a good phone, great connection, fast fingers and a lot of practice, can be really beneficial when playing this hero. Use another Furious Charge to make even more rattle. Wiro synergizes well with Maloch, Alice, Ignis, Zip and Lumburr. Each stack increases our Attack Damage by 10. Using our S1 to get closer so we can CC the enemy with our S1 and following it up with our Ult, once we unlock it to plan for when we gank. If your Blade of Eternity is on cooldown or has run out of uses, you can swap it out for a Death Sickle instead. The Attack Damage increases our overall damage output, making us a bigger threat, especially to fragile enemies. The Armor Pierce allows us to partially ignore the enemy’s defense to deal more damage and works exceptionally well against priority targets with low armor. Similar to Max, Xeniel is less of a fighter and more of a control/support kind of guy. Keep doing that until the game reaches a point where grouping and team fighting is a must. Support hero that is extremely difficult to pin down…. Roxie will still be pretty strong at this stage of the game, due to her sheer tankiness from items. You need to farm to get into this dominating phase. Having all your allies near each other in the pit of the neutral objectives makes your Ult shine even more. Elsu must shoot from stealth, otherwise, he risks too much. In the Late Game, both teams will usually be grouped as 4-5 players, contesting each other for neutral objectives and towers. Her auto attack animation speed decreases significantly but her range increases. The Attack Speed increases the overall damage output of our auto attacks, which usually isn’t that effective for most mages but D’Arcy’s enhanced auto attacks from his S2 make it even more useful. It also helps when sticking onto enemies with repeated auto attacks and even escaping losing battles. Both Ultimate and fully stacked Swagger relish on the opportunity to hit multiple targets. The earthquake can make sure that all enemy heroes close to you can’t run away easily. If controlled well by his opponent, his usefulness falls rapidly. We also can split push even though we’re not the best at taking towers, we will be hard for one person to stop and can force the enemy team to send multiple people to try and kill us. It becomes a lot more dangerous for him to engage freely in battles due to how low our defenses are. We won’t have enough damage to kill an enemy carry by ourselves anymore but as long as we manage to keep our carries alive or zone enemy carries while disrupting the enemy in fights, we can lead our team to claim neutral objectives, which makes obtaining victory that much easier. burst damage and solid CC with her S1+S2+S1 combo, to use – only two active skills and the ultimate. Make sure you have a partner when engaging, if alone and focused you won’t last long. In the Mid Game, both teams will be grouped as 3-5 players, contesting each other for control of towers and neutral objectives. It provides way more than most of the arena of valor skills. Once this stage of the game starts, you have two important tasks to keep in mind. Disruption. The Movement Speed synergizes well with her Ult Movement Speed increase and helps her gank and roam faster. It will make your skills much easier to land, and that will additionally increase your team fighting potential. Dying at this stage of the game can actually cause our team to lose with the extremely long death timers. We’re also good at finishing enemies off, so cleaning up escaping enemies is also easy for us to do if we’re in the proper position to do so. Not only does he needs to use 2nd skill twice (which means he waits for an entire cooldown), but he lacks clear mobility skills and his base movement speed is just 360. Scorching Wind is a must, build it as soon as you can. Lurk around in brushes, stay away from the sight and once the fighting started, use the Ultimate (Demon Claw) to engage the enemy backline (preferably low mobility squishy target). Relatively long cooldown, single target, short-mid range. Two role types come to mind when considering this champion. This is extremely good if you want to consider split pushing. Show them they’re not completely safe behind the tower. The build we are featuring is made for DS lane. This ability is useful for wave clearing. Because of this skirmish effectiveness, Valhein is great in cooperation with an ally, which makes him incredibly good for Abyssal Dragon lane. Gunslinger gives us a stack for each unique hero that we slay, for a maximum of 6 stacks. Other than that try using combo of 2x Enhanced normal attack into Maelstrom into knock up from a third normal attack (it will take few games to get used to this combo). The Ability Power offers us anything but it’s still worth it due to the bonus AD. Combine it with Arcane Nova, slow down the enemy first and shoot Arcane Spirits behind them. Be as unpredictable as you can in your movement/avoiding skill shots and hard cc. In-flight mode, there are NO skill-shots in the traditional sense (check notes about “Flight” – Superman’s passive, for more info). Enhanced Restore regenerates some of our HP and Mana immediately, which can help us turn the tide of the fight by restoring HP near death. Each stack gives us 10 Attack Damage and caps at 60 AD. Normally, most heroes wouldn’t be able to split push this late into the game because it takes a while to walk back from one lane to another to join our team. Make the best out of your Furious Charge. Hero META pada season 5 yang ketiga adalah Lightbringer. Maloch’s main role is to initiate team fights, but make sure the team is on the same page with you. If we died while split pushing, the enemy team could force our team to fight 4v5, which can also make us lose the game. Ryoma has a very long range for a melee champion, and his high burst damage, that also provides a life steal, is the main reason why this hero is a popular choice in all leagues. Good mobility. Attack Speed makes us do more damage to our auto attacks. This skill can be used for engaging, and also as an escape tool. Semenjak season 7 rilis, Evergreen menjadi hero yang berada pada fitur hero utama dan jarang sekali digunakan oleh pemain Chess Rush. An efficient item build for Keera would be: In the Late Game, you can sell your Evil Secrets and purchase Arctic Orb if the enemy has a lot of hard CC to increase your survivability by a lot. Skewer gives us Attack Damage and Armor Pierce. Strong early game. Raging Inferno deals additional damage to enemies when we hit them with an auto attack or ability, which is great for finishing off low HP enemies who are out of reach. Arthur will be very strong and we will be able to frontline, flank, or protect our ally carries from Assassins As tanky as we are, our damage is high enough for us to be a threat to enemy carries. There’s not much point to go into a 5V5 fight that we know we will most likely lose and roaming to side lanes to apply some pressure can break up the enemy team’s formation, giving our team a window of opportunity to take advantage. Engaging with our S2, and weaving in auto-attacks, as we do our S1 allows us to win most short trades against squishy opponents. Good team fighter. If our team forces the enemy team to use those items’ active abilities we can still quickly burst down an enemy carry even though we will probably die immediately afterward. We will also be able to roam the map faster, gank enemies more efficiently and escape from enemies swiftly. Otherwise with Flicker + escape skill, and you will have no means of catching up to them. Timing will become even more important because one mistake can throw away our chances of winning, due to the extremely long death timers. However, we still have to be careful because if we get CC’d before we Ult, or after we Ult, we are susceptible to the enemy and can die easily. Early in the game, try to coordinate CC with your teammate to hit the Barrel Roll to stun the enemy. Kahlii’s role is to clear the wave and deal damage in team fight from a distance, but when in a 1v1 situation Kahlii toolkit is limited. His innate tankiness, Furious Charge and an ultimate which disrupts the enemy team plus refreshes your Furious Charge makes him a good initiator. We also can focus more on protecting our ally carries if needed, since we can repeatedly push targets, they will have a hard time staying on top of our carries. If our Blade of Eternity is on cooldown or runs out of uses, we can exchange it for Death Sickle. Attack Damage increases the damage we deal with all of our skills and auto-attacks. Note that Impact Barrage can be used on jungle minions, but don’t let those hit you too much. She can safely poke enemies from a distance, her passive will constantly heal her teammates while damaging enemy heroes, and she also has decent crowd control abilities. Isolating low HP enemies with our S2 or simply flanking from the side or backlines allows us to pressure the enemy heavily using our strengths to our advantage. All 3 of his skills are good for initiating a fight, as long as you are in Flight. Currently in Patch 11.1, S Tier is led by Kayn as Jungle, Shen as Top, Jhin as Bottom, Galio as Middle, Janna as Support, Janna as Support. The HP gives us a bit more survivability, especially since we are fragile ourselves and have to get up close for the kill. Throughout the Mid Game, Capheny has quite the impact because the AOE damage of her ultimate and her Pulse Shot. Paired with her range, Tel’Annas can kite enemies effectively. Use Sunshine on cooldown and focus more on the target that needs to be stunned rather than doing damage. In the Late Game, we can replace Evil Secrets with Staff of Nuul, if the enemy has built a lot of Magic Defense. We want to have access to our Ultimate as much as possible, especially since it opens up so many windows of opportunities for Rouie and her team. Dengan menggunakan skill tersebut Joan secara otomatis akan menambah kekuatan tempur pasukan kalian. Blessing takes a percentage of the Ability Power we gain from equipment and adds it to our AP. Most of Ata’s skills have relatively short range, so he’ll need to get very close to enemies in order to fully utilize them. Your S1 makes engage easier, then we use S2, which slows them when they walk through the outer ring of the circular area and reduces their defenses. Natalya counters Yorn, Krixi, Illumia, Ishar, etc…, She gets countered by Keera, Zill, Paine, Wukong, Capheny, etc…, Natalya synergizes well with Alice, Lumburr, Zip, Maloch, Zanis, etc…. It becomes much harder for him to do what he excels in, which is dueling since everyone will be grouped up. We will also be pretty tanky by now, allowing us to absorb a lot of damage for our allies, making winning fights and obtaining objectives that much easier. thanks to her entire arsenal of spells, Alice has lots of tools at her disposal when faced with a situation she needs to run away from. Since we reach level 4 before all other enemies do, except for the enemy Jungler of course, it gives us a significant advantage when we gank. The Artic orb in blue gives you even more combat options and security, especially in the early game. Holy Thunder does bonus Ability Power damage when we hit an enemy hero with an auto-attack or ability. Use your Wailing Blade combined with Naganatajutsu to harass the opponent as soon as he gets in range. We will begin to shine even more here and can greatly disrupt team fights. The simple way of describing how effective Quillen is: play like a backstabbing coward. Flamecaller – Human – Sorcerer. 2. You could manage somehow on Mid lane, but there are much better options for it. It is crucial that you don’t have empty walks, that way you will lose a lot of experience and gold. We are one of the fastest wave clearers in the game, especially in the laning phase and we want to abuse that to control the tempo of the Early Game. Feel free to use this board to discuss any topic related to Chess Rush. Gank potential. Ultimate makes him able to deal with Tanks easier than most other Marksman. With a complete build of items, she can kill most Marksman and Mages with one rotation of abilities and even do a considerable amount of damage to Tanks. Murad is one of the squishier heroes, but fortunately, he has very high mobility and two abilities that make him untargetable, and mastering the use of these skills is required for playing an effective Murad. For Nakroth there is usually only one arcana page, as his kit does not allow for many changes. This little fellow is support with quite unique set of abilities…. Indomitable gives us bonus HP, Armor, and Attack Speed. Stealth. Astrid ganks are not greatest as she does not have hard cc, but Leviathan jungling item complements her abilities greatly. The Armor Pierce increases our damage even further, making us an even bigger threat for enemy carries. Split pushing is another option for us, since we can get away from most enemy Slayer Laners with our mobility or take towers swiftly. Having our Passive Ability up allows us to make riskier plays and not fear absorbing damage for our team since they can help us revive. Every kill or assist he extends its duration for a few seconds. HP increases our endurance, and since we won’t build defensively, every bit of HP we have counts. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. HP Regen regenerates our HP faster so we can fight more often without needing to recall to heal. If you earn enough gold, you can sell your jungle item late game and buy a Blade of Eternity, Fenrir’s Tooth or Death Sickle, depending on what you need more. Whenever possible, take down some of the jungle creeps with your lane partner in order to get level 4 asap. Wavewalking allows Ata to leap around and deal damage to enemies. Enhanced Restore restores some of our Mana and HP immediately and can help us turn the tides of a fight or just stay healthier throughout all stages of the game, especially the Early Game. This build allows Tulen to maximize his damage in the late game. Another way we can choose to start is to invade the enemy Jungler’s blue buff since most people start at blue and if they’re there, we can shove their buff out of their spawn range, making it reset and delaying their clear time. Other than health gain and immunity to control after landing Lunge, Florentino has no meaningful defensive tool to speak of, and being melee assassin, that puts him in a tight spot… to dive into the middle of things, but to survive. HP makes us more durable and synergizes well with the heal from our Passive Ability since it heals off of a percentage of our HP. The Ability Power increases our damage output, allowing us to do more damage overall. Invincibility and invulnerability on abilities. Tulen, his Passive “Thunderclap” consists of lightning bolts which are triggered after charging 5 stacks. While fighting our lane opponent, landing the CC from our S2 won’t be easy since they have to be close to us and most Mages fight from a distance but we can still protect ourselves with the shield it gives. Attack Damage increases how much damage our auto attacks and all of our abilities deal to enemies. Tower destroyer. The main role of Alice lies in helping her team with buffs, while also controlling multiple enemies at the same time. The Ability Power will increase the damage of all of our abilities. Your only control ability is slow from your passive, and you need 4 stacks to proc it, so you will require a little bit heavier control from your teammates. Staying ahead at all times and successfully ganking is imperative, and if managed well Slimz will definitely become a dangerous rabbit. All-in hero, once you dive in, there is no escape tool. As the mether of fact, there are none released before zipping. At level 4, pay more attention to lanes. In the Mid Game, since both teams will be grouped as 3-5 players, fighting for control of towers, Dark Slayer, and Abyssal Dragon. The ideal Arcana you can use for Maloch would be: These Arcana will give us Armor, Attack Speed, HP, Movement Speed, Attack Damage, and Armor Pierce. Armor reduces how much damage we receive from attacks that are Physical Damage based. In some situations, Amily can be extremely tough. Chaos protection can help his teammates who are in trouble and save them from deadly situations, as long as it is used optimally to counter the enemy crowd control abilities. Moren being resilient can be a deterring factor, when they (the enemy team) decide who to focus in team fights. Yena is a dominatrix in the slayer lane. Devil’s Awakening reduces the cooldown of our S1 and S2 when we use our Ult. Sephera’s early game damage is quite awful. Nature’s Gift provides us with stacks with each minion that dies near us. By threatening the enemy carry, it will either force them to focus on us, letting our team freely attack without worry or if they ignore us, the enemy carry will die. Although his ultimate requires unsealing (read more on it in the guide), he can be a ton of fun to play, if you master his skill set. Indomitable gives us bonus Armor, HP, and Attack Speed. This helps increase our burst and can even finish off low HP enemies who get out of our reach the mid-fight. Zephys will be at his strongest, efficiency-wise, and can act as frontline or wait to flank as an Assassin. All of these bonuses make fighting easier for us, allowing our team to comfortably transition into the Mid Game. Decent control and damage. Usually going for the highest damage dealer is the most profitable solution. Later, as dragon loses on importance, try switching lanes with your teammates so your team has more space around Dark Slayer pit. Being a squishy champ and not having any sustainability adds even more danger of being ganked or even straight up pushed away from lane if you expose yourself even for a second. We can have up to 3 stacks and Airi has 3 dashes, making it the perfect Enchantment for her and makes bursting down priority targets that much easier. HP Regen restores our HP faster so we can participate in more fights and heal faster during our downtime, rather than needing to recall to the base as often. Movement Speed allows us to roam throughout the map faster to roam, clear jungle, or gank. To ensure landing it properly practice using Flicker in the time between releasing the charge and actual damage (there is roughly less than half a second time to execute this, so good reaction and connection speed are in order). Valiance gives us Cooldown Reduction and HP. However, entering a fight after most powerful abilities have been used, we can kill the enemy carries quickly and everyone else afterward with our team’s assistance. This damage will hit his target and all nearby enemies (including buildings). A strong support/tank with the ability to absorb loads of damage, control the enemy, initiate or disengage fights, traverse the map, chase down opponents and so much more…. These Arcana give us Ability Power, Attack Speed, HP, HP Regeneration, Movement Speed, and Magic Pierce. Hard hero to play with him on the team. Astrid is a frontline warrior who rushes in the center of battle. Movement Speed let’s us roam more efficiently, helps us stick onto targets and assists us in escaping from losing battles. Tower Blessing increases our damage reduction when under towers, giving us an easier time defending our own towers or even tower diving the enemy. Picking up our S2 to start off with allows us to poke the enemy hero and wave simultaneously and our Passive Ability enhanced auto-attack allows us to harass the enemy without fear of retaliation against most Slayer Lane heroes. We still have to take our life into consideration and not just give it away freely but knowing we have a chance of a second wind can make tanking a bit easier for us. The items we should build on Qi if we are jungling are: If we’re going Slayer Lane with Qi, we can take: If our Blade of Eternity runs out of uses or is on cooldown we can exchange it for Death Sickle if we have enough gold to do so. Combining that with the kills or assists we may obtain, and the time while we’re immortal, makes such a devastating effect. Quick reaction, good creativity, and some practice are a recommended to efficiently play Yena, since she has a skill skill requirement. 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